First Tuesday
Lunch with the MSVP - This event typically takes place at a local restaurant. There are many excellent eating establishments in and around The Villages. Start time is 11:30. See the Monthly News below for a particular month's location. RSVP per the individual event request. |
Second Tuesday
Bowling - This event takes place at the Spanish Springs Lanes - 997 Alverez Lanes - The Villages. Please arrive at 9:45. Bowling starts at 10:00, followed by an optional lunch. Cost is $2.15 per game. Even if you don't think you can bowl, please join us. Some of us use the ramp, some use the bumpers, some pretend to bowl like the pros. We have a lot of fun! |
Third Tuesday
Monthly Meeting - This event typically takes place at the La Hacienda Center Ricardo Montalban Room- 1200 Avenida Central The Villages - 10:00 AM start. We usually have an outside speaker and always have a 50/50 raffle. |
Fourth Tuesday
Care Partner discussion -This event is for Care Partners only to discuss tasks required of a Care Partner. The meeting typically takes place at the La Hacienda Center Ricardo Montalban Room - 1200 Avenda Central The Villages - 10:30 AM start - Event Is On Hold |