DESCRIPTION: The MSVP was started in 2003 by residents of The Villages, Florida. The Group's charter is to support people with Multiple Sclerosis and their Care Partners. Our logo is about breaking down barriers so members can live life to the fullest while dealing with MS. The group is open to people living either in The Villages or in the area surrounding The Villages. There are currently approximately 180 people that participate with MSVP.
MONTHLY EVENTS: The MSVP typically has four events each month: Lunch at a local restaurant, Bowling, Monthly meeting with a speaker and Care Partners. Monthly Events
Walk MS 2022: The MSVP participates in yearly fund raising activities to support the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. NMSS activities include funding research, advocacy, and member support These activities are detailed on the Walk MS 2022 Page. Walk MS 2022
RESOURCES: The MSVP provides a variety of MS information and MS website links through our website. Resources
CONTACTS: Contacts for the MSVP include the co-leaders, the fundraising committee chair and the webmaster. Contacts